Continuous care

Borders Broken, Edges Blurred Borders Broken, Edges Blurred Borders Broken, Edges Blurred

Khan’s work is attentive to the ways sexual violence can cause isolation, retreat, and reclusiveness.  She plays with the visual language of boundaries and walls to reflect the fragmentation and emotional self-exile her family member experienced as a survivor of sexual assault.  In the penultimate panel, Khan represents her sister's present state as a disintegrating brick structure, held up, in part, by her own body, pressing against the walls of missing bricks.  Below her, clusters of plant overgrowth peek out of the crevices, suggesting both that time has passed, but that something sinister remains. Khan's artwork beautifully renders the process of healing, capturing something of the process of recovery and its continuous challenges. Without explicitly saying so, Khan points to the importance of attending to these traces – however unwelcoming –  as necessary care for the body and mind. 

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