The College of Liberal Arts
The College of Liberal Arts
Following on the heels of Drew’s building boom of the 1950s, a student-led culture of protest pervaded the campus in the 1960s and 1970s. That sentiment is evidenced here by an article on the advent of co-ed dormitories in 1970 and by photography and reports of a spring 1972 protest on the grounds. Sporadic student protest and dissention continued in the 1980s, but the groundbreaking Computer Initiative of 1984 best reveals the spirit of that decade and the early 1990s on campus. Other items here speak to the enduring “adventure in excellence” that is the soul of the College.
Drew University Press Release, October 10, 1985.
Letter from the Whamo! Company to Dan Chiariello, C’ 1986 acknowledging the Ultimate Frisbee World Record, November 5, 1985.
Photograph of protest rally behind Mead Hall, April 21, 1972. Jerry Rubin addresses the crowd.
Photocopy of a newspaper clipping, "Chicago 8's Rubin to Address Rally" Daily Record, April 20, 1972.
Cover of Drew Magazine, Winter 1999. This issue includes an article about Dena Pedynowksi, Drew's first Rhodes Scholar.
Zenith Supersport 286e model laptop computer. Drew issued this computer to incoming students in 1991.
Drew Newsletter"The Next Step: providing each freshman with a personal computer", December 1983