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Shortly before her thirtieth birthday, Ellen Forney was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Flagrantly manic but terrified that medications would cause her to lose her creativity and livelihood, she began a years-long struggle to find mental stability…

Poland After the German-Soviet Pact 1939.png

Occupation of Western Europe 1940.png

Anschluss 1938.png

The guerillas are always alert. The forest is the place where they plan their moves.<br />

On the left-hand side of the folio are seven more monstrous figures.

Top to bottom: Six Arms, Hairy Lady, Twelve Fingers, Half Horse (Centaur), Androgyn II, Four Eyes, Bird Neck and Beak

The world map is a simplified Ptolemaic map that…

Map showing the layout of the cottage and the tunnel Hyrc dug from the wardrobe to the porch.

A map of local Affirmation groups.
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