Browse Items (1206 total)

Red leather cover, with elaborate gold floral detailing on the entire binding, including a lozenge centerpiece. Half bands on the spine. This specific file is a page showing The Birth of Baby Jesus.

Panels from Batman: Black & White where Batman gives an unnamed woman CPR and is aided by Superman.

Panel from Ultimate X-Men Issue 8 showing a male and female character talking on a bed.

Le Livre des Prieres - Resurrection.jpeg
Red leather cover, with elaborate gold floral detailing on the entire binding, including a lozenge centerpiece. Half bands on the spine. This specific file is a page showing the Resurrection of Christ.

Liturgia Inglesa - Lettering With Figure Drawing.jpeg
Spanish Prayer Book, this file showing La 19. Dominica dejpues de la Trinidad - El Euangelo.

Liturgia Inglesa - Patterned Lettering.jpeg
Spanish Prayer Book, this file showing La XX. Dominica Despues de la Trinidad - La Epistola - El Euangelo

La Comminacion - Lettering.jpeg
Spanish Prayer Book, this file showing La Comminacion - Oremos à Dios.

Book_of_Common_Prayer 000.jpeg
Brown cracked leather binding, with black etching on the front and back cover (retangles, corner details). Says "Common Prayer" in gold on the spine.

Brown cracked leather binding, with black etching on the front and back cover (retangles, corner details). Says "Common Prayer" in gold on the spine.

Red leather binding with intricate gold floral detailing on the front and back covers and spine. Circle centerpiece on the front and back covers with 2 concentric circles: gold detailing of the sun around
the circumference, with black leather and…
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