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Jagos Rescuers .jpg
A photograph of Wilma and Pavol Jagos, who hid Susan in the Summer of 1944 in Siladice, Czechoslovakia. They inscribed the postcard to Susan and Peter Lederman in 1964.

When the Tennenbaums returned to their apartment in Złoczów, all that remained were the family's photographs, including a torn photograph of Leib Tennenabum (Samuel's father). Czech guards caught the family

Full Book 2.jpg
When the Tennenbaums returned to their apartment in Złoczów, all that remained were the family's photographs, including a torn photograph of Leib Tennenbaum (Samuel's father). Czech guards caught the family when they attempted to cross into Germany…

1935 Parents in Carriage .jpg
Selma's and Edith's parents, Lina and Samuel Tennenbaum are shown riding on a carriage in 1935.

Selma and Edith's father at printing press factory _10.jpg
Samuel Tennenbaum at his father's factory before the war. On the left sits a printing press, which saved the family from being on the Gestapo lists. The Nazis appointed a Ukrainian woman to run the factory (Jews were prohibited from owning…

Selma & Edith Summer 1937 on steps_15.jpg
Selma and Edith sit together on the steps for a photograph.

Selma & Edith Summer 1939 _14.jpg
Selma and Edith pose for a school picture.

Family out to lunch 1937 Selma & Edith .jpg
At an outdoor cafe, a young Edith sits among her parent's friends (left) while Selma stands with their mother and father (right).

Selma, Edith, and Wusia Cottage_3.jpg
The only picture showing a glimpse of the cottage was taken in 1939 when Selma, Edith, and Wusia were vacationing at the house. They all returned to hide there from 1943-1944.
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