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Entrance and sculpture of the Children in the Holocaust exhibit at Temple Sinai in Summit, NJ.

Entrance Sculpture Text.jpg

Peter Lederman b. 1931, Gotha, Germany Escaped to England after Kristallnacht.png
Peter Lederman escaped to England from Nazi Germany after "Kristallnacht" (Night of Broken Glass).

Heinz Dreifuss b. March 21, 1923, Mannheim, Germany Arrived to U.S. on July 26, 1938.png
Heinz Dreifuss, born March 21, 1923, in Mannheim, Germany, escaped to the United States on the Veendam steamship on July 26, 1938. He returned to Germany as part of the American Army, experienced D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, and liberated one…

Edith Shapiro and Selma Rossen (née Tennenbaum).png
Pictured are Edith Shapiro, born in 1935, and Selma Rossen, born in 1936, in Zloczów, Poland. The sisters were hidden children during the duration of the war. With their parents, they immigrated to the United States in 1946.

Jules Alexander.png
Portrait photographs of Jules and Valentine Alexander, parents of Monique, Simone, and Michline.

The Drancy camp was a multistory complex that imprisoned and deported a majority of Jews from France. The U-shaped building was initially built in the 1930s as a housing project. Approximately 70,000 prisoners passed through Drancy between August…

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Selma & Edith Summer 1937 on steps_15.jpg
Selma and Edith sit together on the steps for a photograph.

Selma, Edith, and Wusia 1939_5.jpg
Selma and Edith pose with their childhood friend, Wusia Weinstock.
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