Browse Items (93 total)

Map showing the layout of the cottage and the tunnel Hyrc dug from the wardrobe to the porch.

Selma, Edith, and Wusia Cottage_3.jpg
The only picture showing a glimpse of the cottage was taken in 1939 when Selma, Edith, and Wusia were vacationing at the house. They all returned to hide there from 1943-1944.

Tennenbaum Family 1946 NYC.jpeg
A series of photographs marking the Tennenbaum's time in Germany, such as time spent at the Munich Zoo and before their departure to the United States on July 6, 1946. Pictured on the Marine Flasher ship are Edith, Selma, and a family friend, Sonia…

Papers to Leave Poland.png
Papers issued by the Soviet Union allowed Lina and the children to move from eastern occupied Poland to western Poland. Samuel had to leave eastern Poland to secretly escape the communists.

Sue Sturc.png
Portrait photograph of Susan Lederman as a young girl before the war in Czechoslovakia. Susan was a hidden child during World War II and the Holocaust.

Peter Lederman b. 1931, Gotha, Germany Escaped to England after Kristallnacht.png
Peter Lederman escaped to England from Nazi Germany after "Kristallnacht" (Night of Broken Glass).

Ilonka & Ludovit 1945.png
Ilonka and Ludovit Sturc pictured together in 1938. Ludovit owned a print shop, which made the family exempt from deportation. However, in 1941, his business was "Aryanized."

The Reich Family (maternal side) circa 1920. Susan's mother, Ilonka, is…

Trnava Church.jpeg
The interior and exterior of the Lutheran Church in Trnava, Slovakia, where Susan was taken to be baptized in 1943. The family hoped baptism would protect her from the Nazis and their collaborators. She also received baptismal papers as evidence of…

Jagos Rescuers .jpg
A photograph of Wilma and Pavol Jagos, who hid Susan in the Summer of 1944 in Siladice, Czechoslovakia. They inscribed the postcard to Susan and Peter Lederman in 1964.

Sue & Peter.jpg
Susan and her mother holding hands together in July 1945, and her parents together in 1945.

Family portraits of Susan and Peter Lederman together and with their family.
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