Browse Items (93 total)

Selma, Edith, and Wusia 1939_5.jpg
Selma and Edith pose with their childhood friend, Wusia Weinstock.

Family out to lunch 1937 Selma & Edith .jpg
At an outdoor cafe, a young Edith sits among her parent's friends (left) while Selma stands with their mother and father (right).

Selma & Edith Summer 1939 _14.jpg
Selma and Edith pose for a school picture.

Selma, Edith, and Parents_1.jpg
Selma's and Edith's parents, Lina and Samuel Tennenbaum walk together in town.

Selma & Edith's Photos_17.jpg
The Tennenbaum family home in Złoczów, Poland (present-day Ukraine).

Selma & Edith return to home & ghetto 1991_12.jpg
When the bombs first fell, and the Nazis forced Jews from their homes for deportations and shootings, the Tennenbaums hid in a cellar. After some time, Samuel felt it was safer to move and hide in the attic of their grandfather’s factory. The…

Selma and Edith's father at printing press factory _10.jpg
Samuel Tennenbaum at his father's factory before the war. On the left sits a printing press, which saved the family from being on the Gestapo lists. The Nazis appointed a Ukrainian woman to run the factory (Jews were prohibited from owning…

(6 L x 7 W) Selma & Edith w. Nanny (1).jpg
Selma and Edith sitting with their nanny Hanka before the war. Their nanny brought the family food while they hid in the attic.

Zloczow Memoir Photos Selma & Edith_1.jpg
Samuel Tennenbaum's work certificate was issued by the Judenrat and stamped by the Gestapo in 1940.

Samuel and Lina received a permit to live outside of the ghetto, signed by the Kreishauptmann (district captain), Quizo. He refused to allow Selma…

Zloczow Memoir Photos Selma & Edith_5.jpg
Portrait photos of Karol and Hela Skrzeszewska, and Hyrc Tyc (not pictured: Misia Tyc). All four individuals helped hide the Tennenbaums at Hela's cottage in Jelechowice, 2.5 miles from Złoczów. Hela is listed as "Righteous Among the Nations" at…
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