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Monique Passport Cover.jpg
The French consulate gave Monqiue a new passport while she was in Israel in the 1950s.

Tennenbaum Family 1946 NYC.jpeg
A series of photographs marking the Tennenbaum's time in Germany, such as time spent at the Munich Zoo and before their departure to the United States on July 6, 1946. Pictured on the Marine Flasher ship are Edith, Selma, and a family friend, Sonia…

Zloczow Memoir Photos Selma & Edith_5.jpg
Portrait photos of Karol and Hela Skrzeszewska, and Hyrc Tyc (not pictured: Misia Tyc). All four individuals helped hide the Tennenbaums at Hela's cottage in Jelechowice, 2.5 miles from Złoczów. Hela is listed as "Righteous Among the Nations" at…

Germany Compulsory Armband.jpg
Nazi propaganda minister Josef Goebbels was the first to suggest a "general distinguishing mark" for German Jews in May 1938. German SS and police official Reinhard Heydrich reiterated the proposal idea on November 12, 1938, during a meeting with…

Klagenfurt Photos Doris_13.jpg
A photograph of Doris's parents, Gertrude and Julius, in London, circa 1950.

The Polish Underground gave Selma a gold and ebony inlaid cross when Samuel (her father) first sought false papers in hopes of disguising her. Their first attempt to receive false papers failed, and Lina (her mother) wisely used the money to purchase…

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A nine-branched candelabrum with eight candleholders and a shamash (a holder for the kindling candle) is used to light candles each night during the festival of Hanukkah. The holiday commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after…

Heinz Dreifuss b. March 21, 1923, Mannheim, Germany Arrived to U.S. on July 26, 1938.png
Heinz Dreifuss, born March 21, 1923, in Mannheim, Germany, escaped to the United States on the Veendam steamship on July 26, 1938. He returned to Germany as part of the American Army, experienced D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, and liberated one…

Heinz Getrider 3 yr old.jpg
Photograph One: Heinz at the age of 3
Photograph Two: Heinz with his sister Margot during Christmas, 1932
Photograph Three: Heinz with Anita's grandmother, the last known photograph of him.
Tragically, Heinz was murdered by the Nazis and their…

Hilda Weis.png
Hilda Goldsmith, the mother of Rickey G. Slezak, was born on October 8, 1922, in Gelnhausen, Germany. At the age of 17, she escaped Nazi Germany and arrived in the United States sometime between 1939-1940 alone.
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