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Outside Convent.png
The postcard sent to Monique from her youngest sister, Simone, showed the outside of the convent where she resided, possibly until the age of 6.

A magazine honoring female volunteers of the Israeli Army during the Independence War featured Monique on the cover.

Monique w. family.png
Monique (front and center in a black blazer) with her family, where she was honored at West Point for her volunteer efforts in the Israeli Independence War.

Monique Bental (née Alexander) b. Nov. 19, 1929, Marseille, France Hidden in France until end of the war.png
Monique Bental (née Alexander) was born in Marseille, France, on November 19, 1929. She was a hidden child with her grandmother and youngest sister, Simone, during the war. Monique's mother and father died at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp after…

Jules Alexander.png
Portrait photographs of Jules and Valentine Alexander, parents of Monique, Simone, and Michline.

Hilda Weis.png
Hilda Goldsmith, the mother of Rickey G. Slezak, was born on October 8, 1922, in Gelnhausen, Germany. At the age of 17, she escaped Nazi Germany and arrived in the United States sometime between 1939-1940 alone.

1935 Parents in Carriage .jpg
Selma's and Edith's parents, Lina and Samuel Tennenbaum are shown riding on a carriage in 1935.

Selma & Edith's Photos_20.jpg
Edith stands outside the first home a Christian family hid her and Selma. When hidden for a second time, the Christian family only took Edith because she could "pass as Aryan." The Gentile family left Edith alone in their home the next morning. Out…

Edith Shapiro and Selma Rossen (née Tennenbaum).png
Pictured are Edith Shapiro, born in 1935, and Selma Rossen, born in 1936, in Zloczów, Poland. The sisters were hidden children during the duration of the war. With their parents, they immigrated to the United States in 1946.

Selma & Edith Summer 1937 on steps_15.jpg
Selma and Edith sit together on the steps for a photograph.
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