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Between the Lines: Graphic Narratives from the Chesler Collection

The artists featured in this exhibition hold the weight of bodies in their pens. The lines they produce–lines of text, lines of figure–are crucial to the stories they tell.
Lines are the building blocks of visual storytelling. In these artists’ varied approaches, we read strength, frailty, resilience, and uncertainty. Image and text combine to amplify what it is to have a body, in sickness and health. They tell us what it is to hold other bodies close, in their own moments of empowerment and vulnerability. At times expansive, at times with radical compression, they show us grace.
Curated by Anne Garner, doctoral candidate, History and Culture. With special thanks to Mary Cannaday, Sloane Drayson-Knigge, Danielle Reay, Candace Reilly, and Brian Shetler.