The Byble in Englyshe: of the largest and greatest volume,
auctorysed and apoynted by the commaundemente of
oure ... soueraygne Lorde Kynge Henrye the. viii. supreme
heade of this his churche and realme of Englande: to be
frequented and vsed in euery churche w'in this his sayd
realme…. [Incomplete].
Dublin Core
The Byble in Englyshe: of the largest and greatest volume,
auctorysed and apoynted by the commaundemente of
oure ... soueraygne Lorde Kynge Henrye the. viii. supreme
heade of this his churche and realme of Englande: to be
frequented and vsed in euery churche w'in this his sayd
realme…. [Incomplete].
auctorysed and apoynted by the commaundemente of
oure ... soueraygne Lorde Kynge Henrye the. viii. supreme
heade of this his churche and realme of Englande: to be
frequented and vsed in euery churche w'in this his sayd
realme…. [Incomplete].
Cranmer, Thomas, Nicholas Heath and Cuthbert Tunstall
Printed by Edwarde Whitchurch [or Rycharde Grafton]
Tracy Meehan
Cranmer, Thomas, Nicholas Heath and Cuthbert Tunstall, “The Byble in Englyshe: of the largest and greatest volume,
auctorysed and apoynted by the commaundemente of
oure ... soueraygne Lorde Kynge Henrye the. viii. supreme
heade of this his churche and realme of Englande: to be
frequented and vsed in euery churche w'in this his sayd
realme…. [Incomplete]. ,” Drew University Library Special Collections, accessed March 6, 2025,