The whole boke of Psalmes collected into Englishe metre by T. Sternhold, W. Whitingham, I. Hopkins, and others: conferred with Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withal. Newly set forth and allowed to be song of all the people together, in all churches, before and after Mornyng and Euening prayer: as also before & after the sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balladdes, which tend onely to the nourishing of vyce and corrupting of youth.
Dublin Core
The whole boke of Psalmes collected into Englishe metre by T. Sternhold, W. Whitingham, I. Hopkins, and others: conferred with Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withal. Newly set forth and allowed to be song of all the people together, in all churches, before and after Mornyng and Euening prayer: as also before & after the sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balladdes, which tend onely to the nourishing of vyce and corrupting of youth.
Sternhold, T.
John Daye
Samantha Depierro
Sternhold, T., “The whole boke of Psalmes collected into Englishe metre by T. Sternhold, W. Whitingham, I. Hopkins, and others: conferred with Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withal. Newly set forth and allowed to be song of all the people together, in all churches, before and after Mornyng and Euening prayer: as also before & after the sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and balladdes, which tend onely to the nourishing of vyce and corrupting of youth. ,” Drew University Library Special Collections, accessed March 6, 2025,