Piety and Plague: Communal Responses to Epidemics

We are living in a difficult time. Our lives have been uprooted by COVID-19, which has caused death, sickness, job loss, depression, anxiety, prejudice, and much more.

This exhibit intends to showcase that our time is not a complete anomaly. We are part of a history of epidemics that has ravaged the human population for thousands of years.

The exhibit is organized into three factions of response to sickness. The first grouping focuses on the medical reaction to disease, the second looks at the religious reception, and the third regards the different ways fears and anxieties of sickness shape our behavior and the culture around us. We hope you find this exhibit timely and take some comfort in how we fit into history.

Stay well!

To view the exhibit in-person, you are welcome to come to the Drew University Methodist Archives 9-5 Monday-Friday.

The exhibit will run from August 26th-December 22nd 2021


Curated by Candace Reilly & Becca Safi