Dublin Core
Child's "Waffenpass"
Vienna II, Austria, 1934
Doris’s husband, Alfred (Fred) Schneider, was also a child in Austria in the 1930s. In 1934 he made his own Waffen Pass (Weapons Permit). The handmade pass represents how Fred processed the growing tensions in Austria, from the 1934 February Uprising (Austrian Civil War) between the far-right government and socialist forces to the Nazi’s rise to power in Germany.
October 25, 1934
Weapons Permit for Alfred Schneider
Vienna, II (Leopoldstadt District)
1st, Floor, Door Number 13
We permit you to have a drum revolver. This is granted to you according to § 198.
The Authorities.
October 25, 1934
Weapons Permit for Alfred Schneider
Vienna, II (Leopoldstadt District)
1st, Floor, Door Number 13
We permit you to have a drum revolver. This is granted to you according to § 198.
The Authorities.
From the collection of Doris Schneider
Temple Sinai's Holocaust Remembrance Center